Brand story of CREACUBE (v1.2)

Now, we are entering the era of the 4th industrial education revolution!
Let me introduce the IoT Basic Mathematics teaching aid CREACUBE which will reshape your children’s future.

From now on, your children can learn multiplication tables and four fundamental operations naturally, while joyfully touching and playing with numbers.
CREACUBE presents a new paradigm for education with ICT smart learning,
creating a smart learning ecosystem of the education industry. .

If you are worried about your children's study and learning deprivation due to contact-free classes during the pandemic
and want to have them learn the basics of mathematics,
with CREACUBE you can now add wings to their mathematical thinking ability and creativity



    Multiplication tables cube diverse play material


    The brand identity is presented by displaying a symbol that resembles a square-shaped rolling cube on the CUBE.

    Main Color

The body of CREACUBE is made of ABS material with excellent impact-resistance, and the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors,
which are rainbow-colored, are arranged on each side to visually encourage children’s interest.

Educational philosophy

Representative philosophy

‘Dreams that we can realize together’
Discover your dream, Make it true.

We hope to play a vital role in lighting the way for children
to explore, discover, desire and
accomplish their dreams by having creative experiences.
We, at CREACUBE, will be their best friend giving wings of flight
to children, making their dreams come true,
based on self-directed learning and experience.

Theorical Basis of CREACUBE

Product Feature Effect Theoretical Basis
Multiple intelligence device Innovative motion-sensing IoT device Multiple intelligence Humans' intellectual capacity comprises seven forms of intelligence, namely: linguistic intelligence; logical-mathematical intelligence; spatial intelligence; musical intelligence; bodily-kinesthetic intelligence; interpersonal intelligence; intrapersonal intelligence ─ and naturalist intelligence is added; while existential intelligence is introduced as the 9th intelligence ...

H.Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences(1983)
Game-learning system School playgrounds, with limited access due to COVID-19, are made available in metaverse. Game-learning Creating a study environment inducing positive emotions (happiness, confidence, competency, etc) is the way to maximize a learner’s cognitive function. Jeong Jong-jin, "Education Neuroscientific Review of the Importance of Emotions in Learning,"

(Journal for Brain Education, Vol.17, 2016), p.19~20
Contents related to school curriculums Curriculums related to elementary school courses Curriculum alignment Curriculum alignment according to revised curriculum in 2015
Self-directed learning Optimized for mathematics Spiral curriculum
(iterative learning)
J. S. Bruner suggested that it should be configured to have a spiral structure in which the learning process deepens gradually and is expanded upwardly in accordance with a learner’s steps of cognitive development for the transfer and development of knowledge to be achieved effectively.

The learning process should be organized as a spiral structure so that iterative learning can be performed by utilizing “narrative theory” of curriculum, but not repeating superficially and simply but broadening the learner’s experience to make it wider and deeper according to the development step or level. J. B. Bruner’s Spiral Curriculum (1960)

Accessing creative education at once with pandemic contact-free class, Edu-tech CREACUBE!




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